RS - Digipak Deconstruction - Santana - Supernatural
- Album name at the very top covering the whole width of the digipak
- Artist name in typical "signature" styled font
- Multiple layers
- Hand drawn album artwork on the front
- Very colourful
- No stickers on the front cover to advertise that it is a special edition/reissue of the original album
- Large image of the artist to the right of the digipak
- Doesnt relate to the front of the digipak
- Text at the top of the back with a bit of explanation behind the CD
- Tracklist divided into two sections
- Original Album is the first
- Bonus tracks is the second and is exclusive for the digipak
- Record label logos
- Small print at the bottom
- Artist/Record urls
- Producers named
- Barcode
Two panels are inside before you get to the actual interior of the digipak
- The two panels are linked with the blue tint effect on both of the images
- One is of Santana performing and the other is a photo shoot of the artist
- CD's held using plastic holders
- The artwork behind the holders relates to the digipak artwork on the exterior
- The CD artwork contains a basic blue background for both and artwork relating to the exterior once again
- Artist name + album title are featured as well as record label logos
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